Nuggets of life in Merton Rd

Created by Tony 2 years ago

by Monica

Mum and Dad always went out on Sunday as there was no racing.     Every time Pepes ship sailed away Spanish records blasted from our stereo I grew to love La Paloma La cucaracha and others   My sister would be sobbing.  And perhaps sometimes having anisette We had a big lounge I do not remember whether Anne and Dan were with us  as sometimes Mum and Dad took them with them

Of course, there were seven of us. But for most meals there were 8 including Roy Davis , Mike’s friend who lived 
3 door’s away . We had a little !room where Mike brewed this room we had a speaker cum phone line illegally running through the back of the house and into the jigger and the receiver was in Roy’s house. Another Sunday morning hobby of my sister ,and indeed at other times was bellowing down our end of the equipment and talking to whichever of the lads answered. Pre Pepe days of course. Our childhood was indeed blessed!

All set up by Joe Connolly,of course